Company Mission

We are a startup that produces beverages using scientific research of plants and fruits from the Amazone. During our research we patented a formula, which when added to premium coffee produces a very pure and high quality product with antioxidant, regenerative and energizing properties. The perfect start of your breakfast or your afternoon punch after lunch…

Want to know more…?
Come and visit our brand website at

Our other product is a 100% pure pineapple juice with no added water, sugar nor preservatives. The pineapple from a particular region in the Amazon rain forest harvested in the nick of time to achieve the strongest natural sweetness . This produces a pineapple juice that is so sweet and thick of pulp, it doesn't have it’s equal in the market. The ideal drink to accompany you through your day, adding a refreshing sweetness to your taste buds.

Want to know more…?
Come and visit our brand website at

Mission Statement

Our aim is to provide our customers with pure and natural products without additives. All our products are produced and harvested in a sustainable manner using only local sources, materials and products. In this way we drastically reduce our carbon footprint and will continue to focus on ways to keep on reducing further till we reach a 100% sustainable products.

Our production is executed in close cooperation with local farmers and cooperatives. With our Fair trade organisation we aim to equally divide our earnings by paying not only fair prices and wages but also re-investing substantial parts of our profits into community development projects selected by our local partners.

As a third pillar in our philosophy we release substantial funds into our own NGO called Fairtrade Amazonia. Sole goal is to protect the Amazon Rainforest through reforestation and by introducing a School for Indians to preserve and transfer Cultural Heritage.

Through purchasing our products you will contribute to the protection of Gaia’s lungs while improving your healthy balance for body and mind.

Why purchase Our Brand and Products ?

Our Natural Juices and Coffee are of a very high quality and have exceptional beneficial properties which have many applications improving the healthy balance of your body and mind. We are on the brink of the release of our newest product lines for Natural Fruit Juice and Coffee.

Watch out for our new products, they will send a shock-wave through the industry of Beverages.